Saturday, May 5, 2012

Is there any cure now for male pattern balding?

medicine, hair transplant hair weaving etc

Is there any cure now for male pattern balding?

It's always interesting to see something that is not a disease marked as needing a 'cure' but here goes.

Treatments for baldness are hard on the liver and kidneys. I would either go with the baldness or opt for hair replacement treatment, where they move hair around on the scalp to create a full hair effect.

Is there any cure now for male pattern balding?

a wig

Is there any cure now for male pattern balding?

Shave it. It's sexy.

Is there any cure now for male pattern balding?

Shave the rest of your head

Is there any cure now for male pattern balding?

Minoxidil is the medicine. Hair transplants and hair weaving are not cures but rather cover up the problem. However, the male pattern baldness continues.

The medical treatment is the best since it allows new hair to grow, but you have to stay on the meds until you no longer care about your hair.

Is there any cure now for male pattern balding?

Korean TV advertises a can of spray on hair. It looks like iron filing sticking to the man's head. He goes from bald to a woolly head of hair in 10 seconds, miraculous.

Is there any cure now for male pattern balding?

Not one that's convincing as far as I'm aware.

Best to just bite the bullet, invest in a decent set of hair clippers and start shaving. Take it down gradually over a couple of months so its not to much of a shock to the system until you get to a length that you are comfortable with. You'll be amazed how liberating it is. No more paying stupid amounts at the barbers, no more drying and styling in the mornings, no more spending out on hair care. As a slap head I really cant see a downside anymore. Some girls love it, some girls hate it but isn't that the same with everything.

Is there any cure now for male pattern balding?

Just shave your dome and let it shine. The "cures" that are available are costly and not permanent, save money by

1) Not being vain, leave the costly treatments alone

2) Not having to pay for haircuts

3) Not having any need to buy combs

4) Not having any need to buy shampoo

Is there any cure now for male pattern balding?

What kind of essentials oils are good for new hair growth


Best Hair Loss Treatment - A Lot Of Options

Is there any cure now for male pattern balding?

Yep, I found it just over a year ago!

You'll need these items:

1. A good set of hair clippers (Wahl, Oster)

2. A good razor (Mach III or Fusion)

3. Shaving gel or foam (like Edge)

4. Baby oil gel w/vitamin E and aloe (optional but recommended)


First plug in the clippers and start buzzing off the rest of your hair until only the slightest bit of stubble remains. Don't forget to oil the blades of your clippers regularly.

Secondly wrap a hot towel around your head for a few seconds. If one isn't available, you can jump into the shower with the water running hot over your scalp for about five minutes.

Then cover your head with shaving gel or foam until a nice lather is realized. Take out your razor and gently shave against the grain over your entire head. Feel over your scalp afterwards for any rough spots. Re-lather and repeat shaving if necessary. Wipe scalp completely with damp cloth.

Next is optional but recommended to prevent dry scalp and to keep it silky and soft. Put a few dabs of baby oil gel (you can use liquid baby oil if you don't mind making a mess) onto your fingertips. Massage into your scalp (or let your wife/girlfriend [if you have one] do it for you; it feels great and she'll love doing it).

And VOILA!!!

Problem solved!

Yes, I know this method won't give you hair (just the opposite, actually). But my point is this: don't listen to the Madison Ave. sharks pushing pills, potions, lotions, and hair "systems" on you and trying to make you self-conscious about your appearance. You'll go broke! And besides, the chances of them working are slim to none and you could wind up looking ridiculous in the process. So shave it off! You'll spend about 40-50 bucks initially and about 10 bucks every few months for new blades and gel, but it's much less expensive than that other stuff that "promises" to give you hair. Not to mention no more money spent on haircuts, shampoo, styling products, etc..

The ladies (many of 'em, anyway) prefer guys who go for the shaved look more than one who does a combover or wears a hairpiece. So don't sweat it. Go ahead and be daring!

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