Monday, May 7, 2012

I am losing my hair. My hair is my bread and butter............?

I am willing to do whatever it takes to keep and even grow more hair. Money is no object when it comes down to the best solution maintaining and regrowing some of the hair that I have lost. I have heard of AVACOR, PROPECIA, ROGAINE,

HAIR TRANSPLANTS, ETC....................




I am losing my hair. My hair is my bread and butter............?

A genetically-based remedy for hair loss may be the answer to a receding hairline, a US study suggests.

In experiments on mice, scientists at the University of Pennsylvania show that the skin of wounded animals can naturally regenerate hair follicles.

They also identified a gene that is essential for normal hair development, and were able to stimulate or stop hair growth by boosting or inhibiting the protein's activity at a molecular level, opening the way to noninvasive therapies.

The results have stunned many scientists, who have long assumed that mammalian hair follicles were a nonrenewable resource.

The human head comes equipped with approximately 100,000 of these tiny, hair-generating organs, and once they stop working, it was thought the scalp was doomed to gradual exposure.

The study, published in the journal Nature, is all the more surprising because it reproduces results observed 50 years ago in rabbits, mice and humans that were widely dismissed at the time and have been ignored since.

Lead author of the study, dermatologist Associate Professor George Cotsarelis, is also co-founder of a company Follica, which has licensed technology to develop hair-restoration treatments.

Bald mice

In the experiments on mice, the researchers found that removing a patch of outer skin or epidermis 1.0-2.5 centimetres in diameter "awakened stem cells" with the capacity to generate new hair follicles.

Once the healing was complete, the skin returned to its normal adult form.

"The new hair follicles grew, passed through the hair cycle, and eventually became indistinguishable from neighbouring hair," says Professor Cheng-Ming Chuong, a pathologist at the University of Southern California, in a commentary also published in Nature.

"These unexpected findings could change our current understanding of repair and regeneration in adult mammals," he says, while cautioning that human and mouse skin heal differently.

Molecular healing

To find out what was happening at a molecular level, the researchers used mice in which the bulge cells that generate hair were genetically labelled before the wounds were inflicted so that they could be traced.

Wounding activated the signalling pathway of a gene, called Wnt, which is essential for normal hair development.

When the scientists inhibited this pathway, it led to a substantial decrease in the number of new hairs.

But in mice whose Wnt activity had been artificially boosted, there was a "significant increase" in new hair follicles compared to normal mice, the study shows.

"This provides a window for manipulation of hair follicle neogenesis ... and treatments for wounds, hair loss and other degenerative diseases," the researchers conclude.

Regenerative medicine

Chuong sees even broader implications of the study.

"Regenerative medicine promises to identify natural healing powers and a shift from repair to regeneration," he writes.

"By simply altering the environment of stem cells during wound healing, future wounds might heal with appendages reformed."

I am losing my hair. My hair is my bread and butter............?

i have heard that rogaine really works

I am losing my hair. My hair is my bread and butter............?

Theres this all-natural product that my daughter tried out and she got hair thicker and longer.

Its an oil used by geishas and its sold here

its a health site, so its way down at the bottom-

She even used it on her lashes, and stopped becuse she didnt want them any longer ;)

As for hair loss reducing, I dont k now- she had scanty hair and it orked for her- not too expensive as hair products go- and you can always try the sample if your hair isnt very long

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