I had hair transplant surgery 20 days ago.The scar from the donor area (strip) is not flat but bulges out like a bump,detectable to the touch specially and significantly on the lover level of it.I have allot of scars where sutures where removed and big gaps of areas where is no hair growth Looks butchered.On advice of my surgeon stiches were removed 9 days after surgery.they were removed by person who has had no experience or qualifications in doing that (I was her second client and it was performed in cosmetic saloon where she is an emploee,the surgery was also performed there).She had significant problems to do it and it was very very painful when she was cutting them and pulling them.I found out after the stitches were removed that I had disolvable sutures!!Is it medicaly correct disolvable stiches to be removed by cutting and pulling from non trained person?I can prove this facts.I don't know do I have legal claim.please respond I am disturbed.
Do I have malpractice case against plastic surgeon?
Yes go talk to a lawyer. But forget about hair transplants.
I thought about it, but instead saved a lot of money by getting my courage up and shaved it all off!!
It was the best decision in my life. Everyone complements me on how much younger and healthier I look.
When your head "heals". Save yourself money and grief by just getting rid of your hair.
I'm assuming you are a male.
Do I have malpractice case against plastic surgeon?
You will probably need to prove negligence on the part of the surgeon. Another doctor will have to testify against him/her.
I would suggest the you massage the scarred areas to break up the scar tissue. It worked on my hands after carpal tunnel surgery.
Do I have malpractice case against plastic surgeon?
I am sure they would not allow this person to perform this removal on you if this was not proper, they would know that they could be in for trouble if something went wrong. I mean she would not have just appointed herself to do that someone must have told her to do it. The surgeon who did your transplant must be aware of what is happening. I don't think people leave themselves open for a lawsuit. Certainly some of the stitches could well have been disolvable ones and then again others may not be dissolvable and need to be removed. This can be painful at times. You really need to wait and see the final result before you go rushing off to court, you may well lose then it would cost you. I would consult the surgeon who did the transplant if you have any worries about what took place. I am sure you are not the first to have this procedure done.
Do I have malpractice case against plastic surgeon?
Well, it's only been 20 days, so any scarring or bumps may heal over time. As for the hair not growing uniformly, you really need to ask the doctor about that. And, finally, as for the person who had you as her second patient with stitches, you have to get experience somehow, right? If you really want to know if you have a case, contact a lawyer. They'll talk to you right over the phone and have you briefly describe what happened and they'll be able to tell you if you have a case or not. Personally, it sounds like another frivolous lawsuit to me! There are people who are seriously injured by true medical malpratice. There's a woman in Florida in the news who was pregnant, but caught an infection in the hospital from the epidural. She had to have all 4 limbs amputated! Maybe you should re-consider your "lawsuit".
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