Saturday, April 14, 2012

Have you had a hair transplant? What are your results?

I am looking to hear from men who have had a surgical hair transplant. I have a friend that is interested and I want to help him find out if this is his best option. I think he looks ok with a shaven head but being bald at a young age messes with his self-esteem. He was looking into going to a hair institute in Colorado to get the procedure done.

Have you had a hair transplant? What are your results?

hey there,i went bald when i was 24 and i thought everyone was looking at me but as i grew older ,it dont bother me any more,tell him those hair transplants are the waste of money and sometimes causes scars and sometimes infections.dont he know a lot of women love bald men.tell him to go to the web and write in bald r us and read some of the letters people writ e in,and see if it changes his mind.tell him for me good luck and please dont throw away his money on transplants and hair pieces ......i dont ,i just go bald and i dont let it worry me.

Have you had a hair transplant? What are your results?

You can view my results here:

And more patient's testimonials on this forum: Report It

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