Thursday, April 26, 2012

My husband is experiencing hair loss ,it`s genatic do u know about biofiber transplant?

I think it`s an italian product,he is thinking about it.

but for me i prefer treatment as he didn`t reach a bad stage ,he`s in the early stage (as the doc told him) and he`s 30 yrs,do u happen to experience the same thing ?what did u do ? did u have treatment or it`ll not do as it`s agenatic hair loss?please help me

My husband is experiencing hair loss ,it`s genatic do u know about biofiber transplant?

For right now, I would suggest that he keep his hair neat and short. (Don't try to compensate for hair loss by allowing long strands of hair to be combed over the bald spot.)

Most of the time, bald (or balding men) have a lot of body hair. Tell him to leave his shirt unbottoned a bit and to wear short sleaved shirts. Accentuate the positive. People's attention will be more drawn to his hairiness than the loss of hair he is experiencing on his head.

But yes, since your husband is young, if he wants to investigate hair transplantation and such, I suggest you both look into that possibility now. He might also try an over-the-counter-product called Rogaine.

Good luck to both of you.

My husband is experiencing hair loss ,it`s genatic do u know about biofiber transplant?

It's not like there is anything wrong with him that needs to be corrected with medical intervention. So what, he's losing hair. Tell him it's sexy.

My husband is experiencing hair loss ,it`s genatic do u know about biofiber transplant?

there are some medicine that he can take to grow hair

however, it is all part of the genetics just like some guys are tall, some are short so there are some methods that can restore hair, he has to understand that it is all part of a natural process

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