Thursday, April 26, 2012

Should I go the Rogaine/Propecia route....or just let my hair fall out?

I'm 19 years old and already see signs of baldness with a receding crown area. So I grew my hair a medium length to cover it up, and while I'm content with my hair the way it is now...I don't wanna lose any more. But my question Rogaine and Propecia worth it if I have to buy and use the product for the rest of my life? And do they work? The other option I'm considering is letting it fall out and getting hair transplants later in life.

Should I go the Rogaine/Propecia route....or just let my hair fall out?


Rogaine is proven to regrow hair for both men and women experiencing hereditary hair loss. It works by revitalizing shrunken hair follicles and increasing their size. When you use Rogaine every day, follicles increase in size, and the growing phase becomes longer. The longer growth phase allows normal healthy hair to develop.

Rogaine products are used to treat hereditary hair loss. The checklist below will help you determine if Rogaine is right for you.

Members of your immediate family or extended family, male or female, have experienced hair loss.

You notice more hair than usual in the shower drain, on your pillow, or in your hairbrush.

The skin on your scalp, especially the crown of your head, is more visible.

You閳ユ獫e changed your hairstyle to cover up your hair loss.

Sound familiar? If two or more of these statements are true for you, you may be experiencing hereditary hair loss. Rogaine may be right for you.

However, there are many conditions, diseases, and hair care practices that can result in excessive hair loss. If you have no family history of hair loss, your hair loss is sudden or patchy, or you do not know the reason for your hair loss, it閳ユ獨 important to talk to your doctor or dermatologist. While Rogaine may not be right for you, your healthcare professional may offer other options.

Hope this helps and good luck.

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